Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Miracle Berry Tasting

Jan. 5, 2010- Our New Year's Miracle Berry Tasting event is scheduled for this Saturday, January 9, 2010. At Logee's, we grow "Miracle Berry" also known as the "Miracle Fruit." If you are unable to make our "Tasting Party", you can get the lo down from us here.
First, the plants botanical name is Synsepalum dulcificum and can be grown indoors in a pot. The red berries, about the size of a plump raisin, will begin to appear after the plant reaches a height of about 12 inches. Give the plant full sun and go easy on the fertilizer(once a month or so), making sure the soil is acidic, and you will be producing your own berries soon.
If you aren't up to the task of growing your own berries then we recommend going to the website www.miraclefruitman.com where you can have miracle berries shipped to you overnight.
Once you have the berry in hand, simply eat the berry and get ready for a tricking of your taste buds. Literally, everything you eat afterwards tastes sweet. This is attributed to an unstable compound in the berry that actually changes the chemical properties in your mouth. At the tasting party, we will have a miracle berry for each participant. The berry has a seed inside so it is important not to bite into the seed but simply eat off the pulp and skin and keep it in your mouth, coating the inside before swallowing the berry. Of course, you can save the seed and plant it. Foods such as lemons and onions will be tasted and you'll be amazed at how a lemon tastes like a sweet drink of lemonade or how an onion tastes like an apple. Get daring and try a grapefruit or sour pickle. The only warning we have is DO NOT drink a dry expensive glass of red wine after the miracle berry for it will be the sweetest wine you ever tasted.
The effects of the miracle berry will last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.


  1. I attended this workshop. It was quite fun. My favorite was sour cream, which tasted just like cheesecake! Susan

  2. Really enjoyed the post--- very informative. Now in Ft Myers for winter will be ordering more items when I return to Ohio in May.
