Friday, April 9, 2010

Early Spring Blooms at Logee's

Spring is in the air at Logee's especially with this past week of warm weather. Flowering plants in the greenhouses are showing off their brilliant bloom like this Red Stictocardia macalusoi or this "Purple

Horn of Plenty" (Datura metel 'Cornucopaea'). This Datura is in bloom in a 2 1/2 inch pot and is well known for its evening fragrance, often used in moon gardens.

The Thunbergias were also shouting loud and clear with their bold strokes of color. Thunbergia 'Sunlady' with its dark defining eye in the midst of bright sunshine yellow petals and its cousin Thunbergia 'Grandiflora' also known as the "Blue Skyflower of India." Although, I think the color has more of a purple hue than blue. Both of these Thunbergias are great plants for the summer patio or outdoor

garden if you have a trellis, wall or fence for it to climb up and around.

Next, happy trays of the "Chenille Plant" (Acalypha hispida) were boasting their cattails of lipstick red bloom. These full sun plants can be grown in a hanging basket or trained as a standard.

When trained as a standard the catkins get very long and look like a chenille scarf. When put in direct sun the catkins will remain bright red.

And right around the

corner were pots filled with Plumbago auriculata 'Imperial Blue' . These are both full sun plants that are everbloomers. Of course, if given more sun the color
of the blooms become brighter. We had a friend that put Plumbago auriculata in 15 moss hanging baskets and had them placed around her pool for the summer. Stunning doesn't even begin to describe the effect!


  1. Hi Logee's! I just wanted to let you know that I visited your greenhouses today with my husband and we had a wonderful time! (And bought a lot of plants!) I wrote about our visit here:

    Thanks for a great selection of plants! I can't wait for our next visit!

  2. Thanks for visiting our greenhouses, taking photos and posting them on your blog! These are really nice close-ups! After reading comments on your blog I'm wondering if a "How to Grow Tropicals" blog would be useful. PS- I've been coffee-free since last October and I agree it would help, especially if you notice you get an afternoon crash. Have you ever tried Yerbe Mate, a tea that's loaded with anti-oxidants. You can grow your own plant of it called Ilex paraguariensis ( we sell the plant) or you can buy the leaves at a local health food store.
